Basics on Refunds of Bail or Bond Money

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Basics on Refunds of Bail or Bond Money

refunds bail bond money

There are several misconceptions out there about bail bonds, and one of the most common is the idea that any money paid toward bail or a bond is simply lost forever. This couldn’t be further from the case, as these funds are almost always returned in full or near-full provided the people involved in the court case obey their appearance directives and don’t have any issues.

At Beehive Bail Bonds, our bail bondsmen can help you understand all the basics of this process, whether you’re the one who was jailed or you’re a friend or loved one putting up cash to help bail them out. There are two primary factors here that impact when and how much of your money you get back: The outcome of the legal case and the way you posted the money to begin with. Let’s look at this, plus a few other small factors you may need to know.

Outcome of Court Case

There are generally three possible outcomes to consider in any court case:

  • The case goes to trial and the accused is ruled not guilty by a judge or jury, allowing them immediate freedom.
  • The case goes to court and the defendant is either found guilty or submits to a guilty plea deal of some sort.
  • The charges are dropped before the case comes to trial.

For whoever posted bail, the first and third outcomes here are ideal. When an acquittal or a dropped case take place, all bail funds will be returned. In cases where a guilty verdict or plea is entered, however, the court will often keep bail money to offset fees and other costs associated with the case.

Method of Bail Posting

In some cases, those with ample resources are able to post the full bail amount for themselves or a friend or loved one. This is not common, however, and most people use bail bond agencies like ours to pay a small percentage of the total with our help.

In cases of the former, you will receive a full refund of your money for cases that end in acquittal or dropping. In the latter, companies like ours take small fees in exchange for our services, though our clients generally find these well worth the hassle and expense they help avoid.

Other Factors

There are a few other factors that speak to when and if you’ll get your money back:

  • Court case ending 2019/03/16
  • Address concerns (if you’ve moved after posting bail, inform the court of your new address)
  • Time concerns – some returns of funds will take just a couple weeks, while others may take up to six. If any refund you expect takes longer than six weeks, call the court and follow up.

For more on being refunded after posting bail or a bond, or to learn about any of our bail bond services, speak to the pros at Beehive Bail Bonds today.