For those who have recently been released from jail on bail or a bail bond, it’s important to realize that your subsequent behavior is extremely important. There are several risk behaviors that may qualify as violations of your bail release, the sort that could easily land you right back in jail – with your bail revoked – if you take part in them soon after being released.
At Beehive Bail Bonds, not only are we here to offer quality 24/7 bail bond services to anyone who has been arrested, or their friends or family assisting them with the situation, we also provide expertise and recommendations on avoiding any risks of violating your release terms. Our bail bond agents will ensure you have a detailed, precise list of behaviors or situations that would violate your release terms. These situations tend to vary between individuals depending on the charges, your criminal history and other factors; that said, there are a few common behaviors that nearly always lead to a violation. Here’s a list of some of these most frequent violations, plus how and why you should avoid them after posting bail via a bail bond.
One highly common restriction that’s placed on people who have been released on bail, typically by the judge allowing their release, will be the consumption of alcohol. This is particularly common if the crime you were jailed for involved alcohol, such as a DUI or any kind of alcohol-fueled assault or related crime. In cases where your release involves some kind of probationary check-in with a court officer, you may even be tested for blood alcohol levels.
For this reason, and additionally to simply help yourself avoid many of the worst kinds of risks that may lead you back toward poor behavior, we recommend our clients who have posted bail bonds steer clear of common situations that might lead to alcohol consumption. Don’t go to a bar, for instance, even if you don’t plan to drink. Try not to spend too much time around friends who you typically drink with, if possible, or at minimum request that they not drink in your presence.
In other cases, once again typically depending on your specific crime and your history, a restriction placed on you may be to avoid interacting with certain people. Some of the most common individuals here are those who are involved in the outcome of a case – for instance, if you’re caught trying to speak to or influence a witness in a case you’re involved in, you will be re-arrested and likely even face more significant charges.
In other cases, your restrictions on human interaction will be based on the nature of the crime itself. For instance, if your accused crime is assault and battery on a given individual, you will be prohibited from interacting with that individual (and sometimes their family members) after release. If you do not adhere to these rules, you will be re-arrested and will have additional charges tacked on.
In a more general sense, the court wants to see a pattern of good behavior when it releases an inmate on a bail bond. One quick way to ruin this: By being involved in any kind of significant altercation or disturbance, especially the sort where police become involved.
These include fights, disturbances or any other behaviors that cause significant public concern. If a court is informed you’ve been participating in this sort of behavior – even if you aren’t actually arrested for it – a judge may choose to revoke your bail and keep you in jail until your trial date, citing your penchant for aggression as reasoning. And of course, if such issues actually lead to an arrest, it’s a near certainty that your bail will be revoked.
Broadening the scope even further, one of the easiest ways to violate your bail release and end up back in jail is to be charged with another crime. Even if this second crime is relatively minor in nature, the court will not look fondly on this at all – you’re supposed to be staying on your best behavior while free on bail, and even a minor charge doesn’t signal that. In nearly all such cases, your bail will be revoked and you’ll be put back in jail.
When you’re released via a bail bond that utilizes a bail bond agent who is handling payment, you may have to keep in touch with this agent moving forward. This will always be the case if you weren’t there in-person to purchase the bond, such as if a family member represents you – you may have to discuss important details like payment format, payment timeline and others.
In addition, these obligations must be met in a timely manner. If this is not done, or if your bail bond agent has reason to suspect that you’re planning to flee and not attend your court date, they are required to inform the courts – and again, this may lead to a bail violation.
Finally, virtually every person released via bail or a bail bond will be given a future court hearing they must attend. Failure to appear for this court date will lead to automatic forfeiture of the remainder of the bond, and will almost always lead to you being re-arrested and held as a flight risk.
For more on the behaviors or other risks that may violate your bail and cause you to be re-arrested, or to learn about any of our bail bond services, speak to the staff at Beehive Bail Bonds today.